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Mostra opere finaliste Premio Cinque Continenti

Mostra opere finaliste Premio Cinque Continenti

Saturday 15 November 2014 all hours 18.30, at the exhibition spaces of Galleria25 a Venosa (PZ), will open the exhibition of the finalists in the painting The International Award Five Continents.

The exhibition, free admission, will be open up to 30 November, opening everyday from 16.30 all 19.00.

The names of participating artists: Carlo Battista, Marisa Bellini, Francesca Bernardi, Rocco Bitetta, Mimìa Bochicchio, Annamaria Caldarola, Cesare Cassone, Annamaria D'Andrea, Brunella D'Auria, Vincenzo Di Benedetto, Vito Dichio, Matthew Felloni, Silvia Ferrara, Edward Mulas, Mariantonietta Pescuma, Silvia Rea, Grace Salierno, Ernesto Santaniello, Dino Ventura.
