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The Festival of the Five Continents 2019 It makes a stop in Venosa

The Festival of the Five Continents 2019 It makes a stop in Venosa

in program contemporary circus shows and a challenge to the stove from four mayors

Press release

VEIN (PZ) – Si svolgerà a Venosa domenica 25 August 2019 the quindicesima edition of the Festival of the Five Continents, la rassegna di spettacoli e arte ideata dall’associazione culturale “Il Circo dell’Arte” e organizzata in collaborazione con l’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Venosa. La manifestazione è tra gli eventi riconosciuti come meritevoli di rientrare nel patrimonio dei beni intangibili della Regione Basilicata e si prefigge di promuovere la conoscenza di tradizioni e culture da tutto il mondo, mescolandole con la storia locale rappresentata dai monumenti.

The event will develop in different corners of Piazza Umberto I and will start at 20.00, when to precede the traditional shows with international artists and companies will be the second edition of "I'll tell you my first - Four mayors in the kitchen", the cooking shows produced by the Five Continents Festival and hosted by journalist Piero Russo. Will compete this year the mayor of Venosa Marianna OHN, assistant with the City Council President John Colangelo, Mayor Stornara (FG) Rocco Calamita, with assistants Councilor Roberto Nigro and Marilina Nappi of Spelonga Cellars, the mayor of Sant'Angelo Le Fratte (PZ) Michael Laurino with his assistants and the mayor of Montaguto (OFF) Marcello Zecchino with his assistants. The four cooks for one night will have to engage in the preparation of a first representative dish of the tradition of their common. Noteworthy the jury, composed by the chef Silvana Lucan Colucci, owner of Restaurant Lago Grande di Monticchio Lakes and member of the Association of Chefs and Lucani Italian Federation of Chefs, and Parisi Piera, component of the Italian Federation Cooks, and will come from the chef Michele Puglia and Campania Guide the chef Marzia Bellino, both former contestants of Masterchef.

Following the performances of the festival, with the participation of Willy Rillo il ritrArtista, cartoonist and caricaturist, the Company Chissn'abimm, combining Celtic harp music with the verticality, Monsieur David with his feet to show theater, Peter festival with a concert for musical saw, ofThe Italian's Family in a acrobatics performance hand by hand, verticalismo e tessuti aerei, the musical band Rhyme'n'Blues.

Fin dalla sua nascita nel 2005, il Festival dei Cinque Continenti è stato concepito come luogo di incontro e di contaminazione tra culture e popoli diversi, in which the comparison is stimulated, enhanced diversity, encouraged dialogue, promoted knowledge, promoted multiculturalism. Thena traveling show of shows and art pursues Every year the goal of attracting the attention of the general public to the most beautiful and characteristic of Basilicata and Southern Italy, while promoting a new cultural journey, that can make the viewer discover, in his land, traditions and customs of the peoples of the world.

Press Festival of the Five Continents
Responsible: Francesco Mastrorizzi
Contacts: 347 1241178 –

five continents festival 2019